Ratings agencies, like Fitch and Moody’s, are a crucial part of the financial infrastructure of capital markets. Although ratings are typically better suited to assessing risk in developed countries, they are becoming an increasingly important part of the financial ecosystem of emerging markets too.
In this episode, we find out what ratings are and how they are used to enhance the attractiveness of capital structures for borrowers, bond investors and banks. We learn about an innovative project called Tradeclear, which is using ratings to enable financial transactions and investments in developing countries. And we discover the differences between local and international ratings.
About the CD Insights Podcast:
The CD Insights podcast is dedicated to sparking ideas and collaborative conversations with industry-leading experts in finance for development. Through our podcast, we also explore Cardano Development’s role as a local currency financing house. And how it supports its companies with fund management and incubation to transform the financial markets of frontier economies. New episodes of the podcast will be available bi-monthly, you can subscribe to our podcast channel here.